Senior IT Recruiter
Resume Tips:
I personally like if the candidate adds some personal info as well (eg. hobbies) to the resume – it could be a good starting point in the interview to break the ice.
Tips on interview preparation:
Be prepared to give a short introduction (10 min) about yourself starting with school, and then your professional experience. During this highlight your achievements, successes and experiences which are the most relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Also, be prepared with information about the company.
Best interview questions for a candidate to ask:
Ask about the team, where you would work, or if that is already covered, ask from the manager, if he/she likes working in this company/in this team, and why.
Advice on overcoming nerves prior to an interview:
My favorite tips include eating a chocolate bar 30 minutes before the interview, and listen some of your favorite music. During the interview if you need a little time to think about the answer, don’t be afraid to take that time, if you have a glass of water with you, drink a sip – and you will win a little time to think!
Resume tips:
Keep it simple, we don’t need 20 page long resumes, 1-3 pages should be the maximum. On the front include basic contact information (and it’s really good if those are reappearing on every page in the footer), then professional experience, starting with the most recent one. Then studies and any certifications if you have them. I personally like if the candidate adds some personal info as well (eg. hobbies) to the resume – it could be a good starting point in the interview to break the ice.