Officer, Campus Talent Acquisition
Resume Tips:
If you’re going to include a headshot photo, make sure it’s professional and avoid using a selfie. Use a recent photo, choose a professional outfit, and take care of your grooming.
Tips on interview preparation:
After you worked on an eye-catching and updated resume, get ready! Practice everything from your greeting, to your answers to the questions that the interviewer might ask. Research everything about the company and business area if applicable. This speaks highly of you and shows that you are a highly committed candidate. Additionally, do not forget about your outfit. It is very important that you prepare your appearance for the day of the interview. Take care of details such as groomed hair and the attire according to the company culture, without forgetting that business formal will always be better than casual.
Best interview questions for a candidate to ask:
A great question for a candidate to ask is about the short, medium and long-term goals of the organization and the business area. In addition, it is very important that you inquire about your team environment since this will give you a view of your potential co-workers. Even if it is not a common question, it is received positively.
Other questions to ask to give you a good overview of the company:
- Can you share one of your greatest achievements during your time in the company?
- What would you say is the work style in this organization?
- Can you describe your relationship with your team?
Advice on overcoming nerves prior to an interview:
It is completely normal to feel nerves and uncertainty before a face-to-face or virtual interview.
Here are some simple but effective ways to calm your nerves:
- Be on time. The day before the interview, review the address and check if it is a face-to-face or a virtual interview. If it is a virtual interview, remember to check your devices and connection well before to make sure everything runs smoothly.
- Be confident. If you feel like your nerves are overpowering you, just breathe. The best thing you can do is practice your posture and tone of voice beforehand, as well as studying your strengths and weaknesses. If it is a virtual interview, you can also record yourself when practicing to control your nervousness on camera.
Resume tips:
You may have already heard that a resume must be short and concise, should include relevant achievements, and be free of any typos. However, the impact of your resume starts with the headshot. If you include a headshot in your resume, make sure it is professional. If possible, go to a studio to obtain a high-quality photo. Use a recent photo, choose a professional outfit, and take care of your grooming. Avoid using selfies or ID photos since these might not be appropriate. Finally, one extra tip... smile. You will create empathy with a subtle smile.