Campus Recruiter
New York
Resume Tips:
Consistency! Use the same date/location format throughout the entire resume, double check all spacing and alignments and update all verb tenses to reflect roles that are in the present vs past.
Tips on interview preparation:
Review your resume – ensure you can speak to all themes, experiences and roles detailed on your resume. Do not memorize hundreds of interview questions. Focus on thematic questions that your interviewers may ask you, i.e. technical abilities, group work, leadership experiences etc, and brainstorm examples you can potentially leverage for each.
Best interview questions for a candidate to ask:
- What qualities does a successful [role] have?
- What short term and long term priorities/initiatives is your team/business focusing on and how does this drive the company’s overall missions and values?
- What were some of the most important lessons you have learned throughout your career?
- Did you start your career in x business? What were some key lessons learned throughout your journey? If you did not start your career in x, why and how did you transition?
- I see that [company name] supports and collaborates with [non-profit/philanthropic organization], which aligns to my involvement and personal background in ___. What professional organizations, non-profits, or social engagements keep you motivated and inspired outside of role expectations?
Advice on overcoming nerves prior to an interview:
Re-read all interview logistics such as time (verify time zone), date, location, the day before and allocate enough time for travel. Running late only adds to the nerves and anxiety! Come prepared with a notepad – this is a great tool to write down questions to ask during your interview, self-reminders to pause and take select notes as the interviewer is speaking (can show interest and engagement) Easier said than done, but approach each interview as though it were a formal conversation. Look at it as an opportunity for you to learn about the role, interviewer, company and if it is a fit for you!
Resume tips:
Consistency! Use the same date/location format throughout the entire resume, double check all spacing and alignments and update all verb tenses to reflect roles that are in the present vs past. Have 3-4 detailed bullet points for each experience listed. Each bullet should include an action, stakeholders/subjects effected/involved, and the qualitative/quantitative impacts. Include a personal section space that includes your skills, hobbies and achievements. This can help differentiate your resume!